asmallincrementdx,totheright,itwillbeobservedthaty also (in
this particular curve) increases by a small increment dy (because this
particular curve happens to be an ascending curve). Then the ratio of
dy to dx is a measure of the degree to which the curve is sloping up
between the two points Q and T . As a matter of fact, it can be seen on
the figure that the curve between Q and T has m a ny di↵erent slopes,
so that we cann ot very well speak of the slope of the curve between
Q and T .If,however,Q and T are so near each other that the small
portion QT of the curve is practically straight, then it is true to say that
the ratio
is the slope of the curve along QT .ThestraightlineQT
produced on either side touches the curve along the portion QT only,
and if this portio n is indefinitely small, the straight line will touch the
curve at practically one point only, and be therefore a tangent to the
This tangent to th e curve has evidently the same slope as QT ,so
is the slope of the tangent to the curve at the point Q for which
the value of
is found.
We have seen that the short expression “the slope of a curve” has
no precise meaning, because a curve has so many slopes—in fact, every
small portion of a curve has a di↵erent slope. “The slope of a curve at
a point”is,however,aperfectlydefinedthing;itistheslopeofavery
small portion of the curve situated just at that point; and we have seen
that this is the same as “the slope of the tan gent to the curve at that
Observe that dx is a short step to the right, and dy the correspond-
ing short step upwards. These steps must be considered as short as