We now would like to introduce a new mental image of
a wing. One is used to thinking of a wing as a thin blade
that slices through the air and develops lift somewhat
by magic. The new image that we would like you to
adopt is that of the wing as a scoop diverting a certain
amount of air from the horizontal to roughly the angle
of attack, as depicted in figure 10. The scoop can be
pictured as an invisible structure put on the wing at the
factory. The length of the scoop is equal to the length
of the wing and the height is somewhat related to the
chord length (distance from the leading edge of the wing
to the trailing edge). The amount of air intercepted by
this scoop is proportional to the speed of the plane and
the density of the air, and nothing else.
FIG. 10: The wing as a scoop.
As stated before, the lift of a wing is proportional to the
amount of air diverted down times the vertical velocity
of that air. As a plane increases speed, the scoop diverts
more air. Since the load on the wing, which is the weight
of the plane, does not increase the vertical speed of the
diverted air must be decreased proportionately. Thus,
the angle of attack is reduced to maintain a constant lift.
When the plane goes higher, the air becomes less dense
so the scoop diverts less air for the same speed. Thus, to
compensate the angle of attack must be increased. The
concepts of this section will be used to understand lift in
a way not possible with the popular explanation.
When a plane passes overhead the formerly still air
ends up with a downward velocity. Thus, the air is left
in motion after the plane leaves. The air has been given
energy. Power is energy, or work, per time. So, lift must
require power. This power is supplied by the airplane’s
engine (or by gravity and thermals for a sailplane).
How much power will we need to fly? The power
needed for lift is the work (energy) per unit time and
so is proportional to the amount of air diverted down
times the velocity squared of that diverted air. We have
already stated that the lift of a wing is proportional to
the amount of air diverted down times the downward ve-
locity of that air. Thus, the power needed to lift the
airplane is proportional to the load (or weight) times the
vertical velocity of the air. If the speed of the plane is
doubled the amount of air diverted down doubles. Thus
the angle of attack must be reduced to give a vertical ve-
locity that is half the original to give the same lift. The
power required for lift has been cut in half. This shows
that the power required for lift becomes less as the air-
plane’s speed increases. In fact, we have shown that this
power to create lift is proportional to one over the speed
of the plane.
But, we all know that to go faster (in cruise) we must
apply more power. So there must be more to power than
the power required for lift. The power associated with
lift, described above, is often called the "induced" power.
Power is also needed to overcome what is called "para-
sitic" drag, which is the drag associated with moving the
wheels, struts, antenna, etc. through the air. The en-
ergy the airplane imparts to an air molecule on impact
is proportional to the speed squared. The number of
molecules struck per time is proportional to the speed.
Thus the parasitic power required to overcome parasitic
drag increases as the speed cubed.
Figure 11 shows the power curves for induced power,
parasitic power, and total power which is the sum of in-
duced power and parasitic power. Again, the induced
power goes as one over the speed and the parasitic power
goes as the speed cubed. At low speed the power require-
ments of flight are dominated by the induced power. The
slower one flies the less air is diverted and thus the angle
of attack must be increased to maintain lift. Pilots prac-
tice flying on the "backside of the power curve" so that
they recognize that the angle of attack and the power
required to stay in the air at very low speeds are consid-
At cruise, the power requirement is dominated by par-
asitic power. Since this goes as the speed cubed an in-
crease in engine size gives one a faster rate of climb but
does little to improve the cruise speed of the plane.
Since we now know how the power requirements vary
with speed, we can understand drag, which is a force.
Drag is simply power divided by speed. Figure 12 shows
the induced, parasitic, and total drag as a function of
speed. Here the induced drag varies as one over speed
squared and parasitic drag varies as the speed squared.
Taking a look at these curves one can deduce a few things
about how airplanes are designed. Slower airplanes, such