MARCH 2017
Feynman stressed creativity—
which to him meant working
things out from the beginning. He
urged each of us to create his or
her own universe of ideas, so that
our products, even if only answers
to assigned classwork problems,
would have their own original
Feynman’s way of teaching is perhaps
best described in three words: learning
by creating. As he said,
It’s the way I study—to under-
stand something by trying to work
it out or, in other words, to under-
stand something by creating it.
Not creating it one hundred per-
cent, of course; but taking a hint as
to which direction to go but not
r e m e m b e r i n g t h e d e t a i l s . T h e s e
you work out for yourself.
In a le#er to a student asking for
advice, Feynman touched again on that
All you have to do is, from time to
time—in spite of everything, just
try to examine a problem in a
novel way. You won’t “stifle the
creative process” if you remember
to think from time to time. Don’t
you have time to think?
The problem is, however, that as stu-
dents we are o!en not given proper time
to think! We are instead overwhelmed
with solving problem sets, writing lab
r e p o r t s , a n d w o r r y i n g a b o u t p a s s i n g
exams. Remarkably, Feynman empha-
sized creativity in physics until his very
last days. He wrote on his blackboard
shortly before he died, “What I cannot
create I do not understand.”
The Feynman Lectures on Physics clearly
exhibit their author’s unconventional ap-
proach. David Goodstein (P
February 1989, page 70) says of the lectures,
If his purpose in giving them was
to prepare classes of adolescent
boys to solve examination prob-
lems in physics, he may not have
succeeded particularly well. . . . If,
however, his purpose was to illus-
trate, by example, how to think
and reason about physics, then, by
all indications, he was brilliantly
Feynman’s lectures successfully omit-
ted proposed problems. His teaching
style is also exemplified in the noncredit,
no-homework, no-registration, tuition-
free Physics X course he offered at Cal-
tech. Students met weekly, and the cur-
riculum consisted of whatever they felt
like discussing. The primary focus was to
promote a culture of free inquiry and joy
toward the subject. In the lectures I have
a#ended so far at UCL, the idea of enjoy-
ing physics has not even been raised.
Feynman said,
The best teaching can be done only
when there is a direct individual
relationship between a student
and a good teacher—a situation in
which the student discusses the
ideas, thinks about the things, and
talks about the things.
Such teaching is mostly absent from my
current physics education.
As a student, I have not yet been able
to reconcile the traditional approach
with my firm conviction that the best
physics teaching puts a premium on cre-
ativity and free inquiry. Feynman has
shown that such creative teaching is
1. R. P. Feynman, R. B. Leighton, M. Sands,
The Feynman Lectures on Physics, vol. 3,
Addison-Wesley (1965).
2. R. P. Feynman, R. Leighton, “Surely You’re
Joking, Mr. Feynman!” Adventures of a
Curious Character, E. Hutchings, ed., W. W.
Norton (1985), p. 36.
3. R. Heras, Eur. J. Phys. 37, 025603 (2016);
Eur. J. Phys. 38, 019401 (2017).
4. R. Heras, Eur. J. Phys. 37, 065204 (2016).
5. D. K. Nachtigall, Eur. J. Phys. 11, 1 (1990).
6. L. M. Brown, “Most of the Good Stuff”:
Memories of Richard Feynman, L. M. Brown,
J. S. Rigden, eds., American Institute of
Physics (1993), p. 54.
7. R. P. Feynman, Perfectly Reasonable Devia-
tions from the Beaten Track: The Letters of
R. P. Feynman, M. Feynman, ed., Basic
Books (2005), p. 283.
Ricardo Heras
University College London
London, UK
Approaches to studying our history
share Ma# Stanley’s view that study-
ing the history of our subject enriches
our perspectives as practicing physi-
cists (“Why should physicists study
h i s t o r y ? , ” P
HYSICS TODAY, July 2016,
page 38). In my talks to the nontechnical
public and in presentations of new re-
sults to colleagues, I try to emphasize
the complex network of chance influ-
ences, mistakes, collaborations, and con-
troversies that lie behind discoveries
conventionally caricatured by a#ribut-
ing them to one person.
Stanley and I part company when he
complains about those who interpret the
science of the past in terms of what we
know today: “the bugbear of . . . Whig
history.” Of course, it is essential to
study scientific advances in the social,
economic, and cultural context of their
times, as professional historians do. But
Whig history is a complementary activ-
ity, justifiable on several grounds.
Our scientific predecessors are cele-
brated largely because of the science
that their discoveries led to; that is why
they are important, and why historians
study them. And the significance of their
science changes with time, so it is in-
evitable that we regard it differently as
we look back: With the discovery of the
Aharonov–Bohm effect, the magnetic vec-
tor potential of James Clerk Maxwell and
his Victorian contemporaries takes on a
new meaning. In addition, many of our
famous predecessors were cleverer and
wiser than us; they le! “time bombs,” ig-
nored for generations until, suddenly
triggered by resonating with a contem-
porary preoccupation, they explode.
One such time bomb is Isaac New-
ton’s query 3, which he posed
decades of struggling to accommodate
Grimaldi’s observation of edge diffrac-
tion fringes in his ray theory of light:
“Are not the Rays of Light, in passing by
the edges and sides of Bodies, bent sev-
eral times backwards and forwards, with
a motion like that of an Eel? And do not
the three Fringes of colour’d Light
above-mention’d arise from three such
bendings?” Now, three centuries later,
and thanks to three insights, we can un-
that this apparently eccentric
remark makes perfect sense.
The first insight was Sommerfeld’s
1896 exact solution of Maxwell’s equa-
tions for light diffracted by a conducting
half plane.
The second insight was
Braunbek and Laukien’s 1952 calculation
exhibiting Newton’s eel-like undulations
by plo#ing the trajectories of the Poynting